The Downtown Village, which stretches from Dwight Street in the west to Wooster Square and Fair Haven in the east and north to Temple and Audubon Courts, is unique among the HomeHaven villages. We are surrounded by cultural riches for learning, entertainment, and socializing that are easily accessible. University Towers, and to a lesser extent Audubon Court and Wooster Square, have periodic Soup Sundays, barbecues, condo and Co-Op meetings, and other activities that bring residents together. Many members are involved in cultural and social change organizations that improve the lives of the diverse population of New Haven.
Like other villages, we also aim to look out for each other, to be the first recourse when someone who no longer drives needs a ride, or someone who has been ill needs a visitor or a phone call, or has a problem to solve.
Co-Leaders: Kay Hendon
Bob Rosenheck
Downtown Village Members